My laptop computer is making a terrible noise. Yesterday it happened just once. This morning, it has already happened more times than I can count. Everything is SLOW. The letters I am typing arrive on the screen with a disturbing time-lag. It makes me shiver a little and trips me up. I have backed up most things I care about - although I'm wondering what to do with my music... can I count on the ipod I have (of the same vintage) to be the backup for all those beautiful tunes? Oh, I am fearful. What change lies ahead?
Let's see... there have been at least 100 sermons (in at least 5 different settings), countless pages of reflections during two years of chaplaincy, thousands of photos, weddings, thousands of songs and podcasts, memorial liturgies, bazillions of emails, youth newsletters, adult education sessions, worship bulletins, and the list goes on and on. Those pieces of paper are just signposts for the paths I've walked in these seven years. I've carried this thing with me - literally as a companion - down quite a twisty path. It feels like I will be losing more than just the physical and touchable when this little flat box dies. It'll be more like letting go, somehow. Hopefully I won't lose my memory too, maybe just a few of my memories.
I don't know if it is the end for me and this macasaurus. I do know I am grateful for the time we've had. I thought we'd make it an even ten years, but maybe that was just me. Maybe I'm too much of a dreamer to be realistic about these things. About six months ago, the guy in the apple store didn't even remember what a G4 was! Kids. Anyway, if you have the inclination, put out some good vibes towards old yukonsally here. And maybe some advice about posting from my iphone? Oh, hang on, old girl.
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